Single Window Clearance System
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Any Telecom Infrastructure Provider duly registered with the Department of Telecommunications, Government of India, is eligible for Registration.
Any Telecom Service Provider licensed from the Department of Telecommunication, Government of India, is eligible for Registration.
Any Telecom Infrastructure Provider duly authorized by a licensee to lay the Communication and Connectivity Infrastructure, is eligible for Registration.
Fill all the required details in respective fields and click on the “Register” button. Thereafter, Applicant will be redirected for OTP based Mobile No./Email ID verification
After verification, Applicant will have to pay the Registration Fee. Thereafter, registration will be completed and Login Credentials will be sent on registered Mobile No. & Email ID.
Password must be of minimum 08 characters and should not exceed 16 characters. Also, password must contain at least 01 Lower Case Alphabet, 01 Upper Case Alphabet, 01 Numeric Character and 01 Special Character.
1. Agency Category
Telecom Infrastructure Provider (DoT)
Telecom Services Provider (DoT)
1.1. Agency Category Name
2. Name of Agency
3. License No.
4. Authorized Person Name
5. Email ID
6. Mobile No.
7. Create Password
8. Confirm Password
9. Captcha
An OTP has been sent on the entered Mobile No. Kindly fill & verify it.
Enter OTP
If OTP has not been received then click on Resend OTP button -->
Resend OTP